
DCenti Investment

DCenti Investment

DCenti Investment founded on February 8th, 2021, it is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company.

Business orientation:equity investment and Project M&A are the main development direction of the company in the future. By incubating and cultivating high-quality enterprises with promising development prospects for the group company, the company will expand its business sector and enhance its competitive strength.

Location advantage:the company is located in Nansha District, Guangzhou, and takes full advantage of the favorable weather and geographical conditions in Nansha District, Guangzhou to actively expand and integrate the resources of enterprises in the Pearl River Delta and the Greater Bay area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

Copyright ? Guangdong DCenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company All Rights Reserved.

邹平县| 平乡县| 兴山县| 双柏县| 宁国市| 崇明县| 唐山市| 静海县| 古浪县| 织金县| 栖霞市| 山西省| 工布江达县| 塔城市| 南溪县| 安阳市| 南靖县| 武强县| 郓城县| 静宁县| 南汇区| 景德镇市| 营口市| 佛山市| 故城县| 宿州市| 独山县| 来凤县| 徐闻县| 吉木乃县| 大悟县| 三原县| 苏尼特右旗| 赣州市| 聂拉木县| 丰台区| 江阴市| 万安县| 依安县| 衢州市| 邹平县|